Monday, 2 May 2011

Reflections of Death and Elections

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." - Martin Luther King, Jr. ((Borrowed from my sister in-law))
There are little words that I can add to the wisdom of Dr. King -- as I reflect back to the actions over the past 24 hours, but more importantly the reactions I have been feeling and overwhelming uneasiness. To rejoice in the death of another; no matter how evil only spews more hatred. From the outside looking in how different are the cheers in New York, in Washington any different to the cheers in Baghdad, or Syria? Apples to Apples or Apples to Oranges? I'll wager it depends on what side of the fine line you stand upon. 
The slope is dangerously steep, hate grows innately; hate spreads like wildflowers. Hate; the kin to love. Hate; the Judas to Jesus. How can one grow, how can one look into the mirror and stare back straight faced at the blatant irony that what you now cheer for is what you loathed; what you mourned, what you had such blatant anger against.
Do you see the irony? You do realize you have become that in which you loathe, that in which you looked at contempt as cheers were made at the loss of life to those you consider kin.
Take a moment to think; look in your own eyes in the mirror and ask yourself am I any different? You who now cheers have now become them.
Please do not misinterpret these words to say that pure evilness did not exist, it certainly did... and please do not believe that I too did not feel 'finally'.... what I did not do was jump on a bandwagon waving flags and cheering in jubilation. Life is life and God , in whatever form you believe in, will make his final judgement and rest assured the judgement will be harsh.
... as for harsh judgement, my thoughts also sway to the Canadian Federal Election... we are fucked -- yes I said it.... fucked. A Conservative Majority, the only thing that makes me happy is the word 'Majority'-- while the resulting party was not what I had hoped for at least now we can sit knowing we will not be served yet again with the unknown of a minority. History was made, to borrow from the NHL... The Liberal Party for the first time in history is not the official governing or opposition party. The NDP has done what I did not believe I'd see occur in a Federal election.
Tomorrow the aftermath begins and we see where will be taken to. Jack be the prevalent annoying sibling, we need Harper and his near dictatorship leadership style to be kept in check. I am sorry, Mr. Harper --- even as majority leader I will not refer to my government as  The Harper Government; while you now lead the Canadian Government--- The Government of Canada, it is not yours to claim.


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